
Friday, November 23, 2012

e-mail fishing scams

I am amazed at the same scams that I continue to receive in my inbox every week. Scams that tell me a story of some individual that has passed away in some tragic accident leaving a very large sum of money & I am the surviving beneficiary, all I need to do is provide my correct address & information.  This is of course a fishing scam in order to get you to give private information about yourself to the person on the other end of the email.  It obviously is still very effective or I wouldn't continue to get these emails.  Other email scams come from the BBB which look very official, these also are fishing scams, as well as now I get emails from what appears to be the IRS saying that my tax payment has not been received.  This too is a fishing scam as well as mal-ware that could be installed on your computer if you click on the link provided in the email that looks like a payment receipt.  Other similar scams look to be from pay pal as well.  Any time you get an email wanting you to divulge personal information about yourself look very very closely at the email.  It may look official, but you can see flaws in the email, hover over the links & you will see that they do not send you to where they say they will take you. 
   I know that these posts don't seem to show you how to make money online, but by keeping you from spending money on scams as well as keeping your personal information safe from unscrupulous individuals, actually puts money in your pocket.  I will continue to look for online scams & I have uncovered a few that have actually come in the mail lately as well.  I will post these regular mail scams in my next post.  I want to here from you too! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Craigs List Scams

This may not be a money making opportunity but it will definitely save you money!  
Here is a popular Craigs List Scam.  I've seen this scam a lot even when I have been looking for something specific.  For example about a year ago I was looking for a Skid loader.  I went to several different cities because I was willing to travel for a good price to pick up the machine.  There was a picture of a very nice skid loader listed for $2,500.00. The only way to contact the owner was the email CL gives you.  That was an extremely good price for the machine since it should have been $25,000.00. I sent an email & said I was interested in buying the machine.  Of course they responded & wanted me to send them money via western union & they would ship me the machine.  I said I would drive to pick it up,  & of course they said they were out of the country in the military & the machine was in a ware house of course 1500 miles from where I live waiting to be shipped out when they call to let the ware house manager know where to ship it to.  This of course was all BS!!  I asked why are they selling it so cheap?  They said because they were desperate for money to make a house payment before they lost their house.  I have seen this exact scam with several different items.  They have an answer for everything.  CL warns on their site about scams & not to send money western union or money grams of any sort.  But obviously this scam is still working or people wouldn't still be posting this.  Come on people, how many times do you have to be TOLD!! "IF SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE,"  well you know the rest right!  So let us know about any other types of scams you have heard about, or maybe been victim of.